This is Elder Sweetland, Elder Bergmark, Elder Sessions, Sister Sweetland. They were just there and so I took a picture of them together. The Sweetlands were their Zone Leader for about 9 months or so and now they got transfered to the Church History Library. But yea other than that they are in my Group the ones that I came in with in November. They are really cool. I am going to miss seeing them at the library like everyday. But they will come in sometimes. And they are still in my branch too so I will see them on Sundays too. They are way cool. Enjoy!!!!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
This is Elder Sweetland, Elder Bergmark, Elder Sessions, Sister Sweetland. They were just there and so I took a picture of them together. The Sweetlands were their Zone Leader for about 9 months or so and now they got transfered to the Church History Library. But yea other than that they are in my Group the ones that I came in with in November. They are really cool. I am going to miss seeing them at the library like everyday. But they will come in sometimes. And they are still in my branch too so I will see them on Sundays too. They are way cool. Enjoy!!!!!!
This is Elder Baird, Elder Newbold being funny as usual. They are always being funny. Well especially Elder Baird who is my cousin well one of my cousins. But yea he is really cool and fun to talk to and he helps me out with stuff no matter what it is. He is one of a kind and he even help me out in December too with something but yea he is a really good friend too. He is a great friend. He knows how to make me laugh when I need it. He is just the kind of guy that I need right now as a friend. He is great. Anyway enjoy the picture of the funny Elder Baird my cousin. Hope that you all like it and enjoy it. There will be more pictures where that came from don't worry about that especially of Elder Baird. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
This is Elder Orme and Elder Bergmark wearing Sombreros for a zone social for US/CAN zone which I went too. It was tons of fun going to that. I was laughing through the whole thing. It was Mexican style too as you can tell by the hats. It was wonderful and cool. They are really funny too. They were singing La Bamba but I tried to record it but it was too dark for my camera. So I got pics of it instead. Hope that you all enjoy them. Enjoy!!!!!!
This is Elder Daines at the Dinner with us before the Pageant. He is one of a kind. He is one of the coolest Elders that I know. And I just found out that I am related to him too. It's crazy. I am related to 4 of the Elders here on the mission. There is Elder Daines, Elder Baird, Elder Sesssions, Elder Bloomfield. Which is crazy but cool. And I found out earlier this year that I am related to the Rindlisbachers from Amalga. That's cool. They aren't on the mission anymore but yea they are cousins by blood. I was happy. Anyway it's great down here on the mission. I love what I do down here especially helping the people find their ancestors and to see their faces is priceless. Enjoy the picture of the funny Elder Daines.
This is Sister Taylor acting funny at the dinner before the pageant. She is always being funny like that. That's what I like about her. She is always making me laugh even though we don't get along sometimes. But we still are friends no matter what goes on between us. And she is going to be leaving me in October to go home to Montana. And then when she leaves I will have just about 6 months left of my mission which will be weird but it will go by fast. I know it will go by fast. It has already gone by fast for me the past 10 months almost. It's crazy. But I really love it down here. Enjoy the wonderful picture of my wonderful roommate and companion.
This is Me at the dinner before the Pageant. We were havin fun takin pictures of everyone that was there from the mission. We pretty much had almost all of my group that I came in with and more. But it was tons of fun anyways. I loved seeing everyone there. I was hoping to see some of my friends from my home ward down there but I didn't. Oh well. But I did see some of my friends in my home ward at the Logan Temple while I was there which was tons of fun. I had a blast down in Cache Valley that day as you can tell from the picture. Enjoy!!!!
This is Sister Compton, Elder Ford, Sister Ford, Sister Shults in Clarkston for the Martin Harris pageant on Aug. 8th. We were at the dinner at the church house before we went to the pageant. It was way fun even though it got really cold during the pageant. But it was way fun. I even got to see my parents too which was way fun. And yea we went all over Logan we went to the Logan Temple first through a session and then we went to Smith's to go shopping and to meet my dad there and to see my mom cuz she wanted to see me. And then we went to the D.I. and went shopping there because Sis Ford and Sis Shults wanted to go shopping there. And then we went to Aggie Ice Cream and then we went to the pageant which was way fun. Enjoy!!!!!!! I had tons of fun in Cache Valley that day.
Friday, August 14, 2009
This is the group at the July Hail & Farewell when the Clasen's left. We had tons of fun that night as usual. We always have fun with everyone. And everyone was being weird or funny too as usual. We always have fun together with everyone. I really miss the Clasen's. I want them to come back here. Anyway yea we are having fun as you can tell by the picture we making funny faces for the Clasen's. Anyway enjoy the picture. Everyone that is in the picture are: Elders Goudy, Wilkinson, Andrus, Bills, Yearsley, Eberhard, Daines, Allen, Wilde, Baird Sr, Baird, Sessions, Horlacher, Ford, Horsewood, Lott, Utai, Cowdell, Brey, Sitton, Orme, Newbold,Clasen, Ford Sr., Savage, Quebbman, Nicholls, Shipton. I think that's all the Elders. The Sisters are: Compton, Taylor, Anderson, Elkins, Murphy, Snyder, Bohnstedt, Clasen, Ford, Kohler, Sasine and that's everyone in the pic if I forgot anyone then sorry.Enjoy!!